
When the Wolf Comes RPG

Created by Ian Stuart Sharpe

An RPG set in the Doom of Ragnarök, utilizing Robert J. Schwalb's Shadow of the Demon Lord rules and based in Ian Sharpe's Vikingverse.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

UK Invasion and Shield Wall!
10 months ago – Fri, Apr 26, 2024 at 12:26:35 PM


First, news! The rulebooks have arrived in the UK and will be shipping early next week to Europeans.

Second, a request! If you do have a copy of the rulebook, I am planning for my own edification (an book promotion) to create a collage of backers with their books. Call it a shield wall if you will :)

Now, you don't have to be in the photo if you don't want to be - just hold the book up like a shield, but ultimately it will (hopefully) look like an elaborate version of this...

Any willing participants can email me a pic at [email protected]! Here is a previous example that I am hoping to surpass!

News and Reviews
11 months ago – Thu, Apr 04, 2024 at 09:32:10 AM


First , a quick round up of the Viking voyages.

Australia/NZ: Books are in country at the "waypoint" and should be with you soon.

Japan: Books confirmed as arrived.

Canada: Books went out before Easter so should be with you soon if not already.

Europe: Books arrived in New Jersey depot on 21st and began sailing the Norðrhaf at the start of the month. Gazelle anticipate it arriving in UK towards the end of this month (sorry, Europeans, it's the price of keeping insane shipping costs down! But at least you can say your book did more miles than Leif the Lucky...)

POD: In addition to the hardcover, the book also went up as Print on Demand on Drive Thru RPG today. 

Reviews: A gentle reminder that indie games always benefit hugely from kindly worded reviews, so if you have the time and inclination do throw some stars or comments at those pages! Otherwise, we all get eaten by the dragon and not the wolf!

Eric Jordan (Codename Entertainment, makers of Idle Champions) gets +1 Honour for backing every Vikingverse project to date!

New Release - Paths of Honour
11 months ago – Mon, Apr 01, 2024 at 10:44:38 AM


In celebration of all of the books winging their way out of the warehouse, we have released Path of Hono(u)r. *

I wanted to add some paths that were quintessentially Viking. The sort of roles that look the Wolf in the maw and thing, sod it. The concept of Honour should play out strongly in that game, and these paths provide fame and plaudits (as long as you survive!) Of course, Honourable players gain more Spirit, and so there really is an incentive to behave according to Norse norms.

That said, watch out for Paths of Shame, which will help all you budding Tricksters follow in the footsteps of outlaws.

I've also added some rules for knattleikr and context for events like hestavíg.

Expert Paths 
Baller: Professional athletes, at the top of their game.
Bannerman: Bearers of war flags used to rally troops. 
Fireworker: Reckless grenadiers, expert in urban combat. 
Rider: The epitome of an age of machines. 
Wrestler: Wildly popular grapplers. 
Mythic Paths 
Braggard: Court poets renowned for their gift with words. 
Giant's Bane: Champions devoted to vanquishing monsters. 
Glimmer King: Traditional Norse martial artists. 
Thingman: Murderous masters of the Dane-axe.

*Europeans, I will check on your shipment once the world wakes up after Ostara.

Wolf Droppings
11 months ago – Wed, Mar 27, 2024 at 10:47:09 AM


Here is the assembled host of books that arrived with me yesterday. 

Postings and/or drop offs are commencing!

Confirming All Books are Outbound
11 months ago – Wed, Mar 20, 2024 at 09:59:21 AM


If you live outside of the USA, all books are now on their way to the new hub for distribution: either myself in Canada, a friend in Oz, or Gazelle Books in the UK/Europe. Just how long they take from here depends on customs and shipping, but I will switch now to email comms per territory to keep you posted.

In the meantime, the rest of the small print run will be available via Studio 2 Publishing, matched with this "poster" featuring review quotes by industry luminaries. 

Thanks to you all for your support in making the game a reality. I have a fair idea how Norna-Gest felt...

More expansions and sagas to come in due course!