
When the Wolf Comes RPG

Created by Ian Stuart Sharpe

An RPG set in the Doom of Ragnarök, utilizing Robert J. Schwalb's Shadow of the Demon Lord rules and based in Ian Sharpe's Vikingverse.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Books are arriving in mailboxes
12 months ago – Thu, Mar 14, 2024 at 11:27:11 AM


I have heard from a few backers that their hardback books have arrived and are in their hands.

The fine gentlemen at Studio 2 advise me that the last of the US orders will be out the door by tomorrow.

When they arrive, do please consider a photo blast on social media, and tag @vikingverse! As I always say, if you like the book, tell your friends. If you don’t, tell your enemies.
Ef líkar þér bók þessi, seg þú vinom þínom. Ef þér mislíkar, seg þú þínom óvinom.

(Rest of World backers, as a reminder, your books are going out to their respective "hubs" and will then be mailed out from there to keep postage as low as possible).

Thanks for your support!


The End is Nigh!
12 months ago – Wed, Mar 06, 2024 at 01:19:03 PM

I wonder whether it means anything that the Wolf rulebooks arrived on Óðinsdagr..?

Hooray! Let the logistics commence!

The One With Polar Bear Viking Cavalry + Locking Addresses
12 months ago – Mon, Mar 04, 2024 at 10:54:50 AM


In our Mánadagr update:

1) According to my printer: the books arrived in Atlanta on the 28th Feb and are now transferring to Knoxville. I shall therefore be proceeding to Lock Addresses. Watch out for Backerkit emails.

2) The Raven Roads, the thrilling conclusion (if I do say so myself. Where else do you get a satire on Silicon Valley immortality seekers and the ecological destruction of the Arctic, seen through the lens of Norse mythology that ends with a polar bear cavalry charge? Potentially anyway, there are other paths to retribution, but...spoilers.) to the Thought and Memory Saga is now live. The cover art includes some of the brave Kickstarter backers. 

3) If for some reason, you want the whole campaign bundled up in one PDF (considering you got a third of it for free already), it is available on Also, do ping me with any stories from your tabletop ([email protected]) - I love to hear about the choices other gamers made during the campaign.

4) The dice arrived at the warehouse beating the books by a pip (boom boom).

Nýja Jórvík, Nýja Jórvík
about 1 year ago – Mon, Feb 26, 2024 at 01:33:11 PM

Start spreading the news!

  1. According to the hefty duty invoice I received from Falcon Logistics this morning, the printed When the Wolf Comes rulebooks have arrived in New York!
  2. In case you missed it, Shadow of the Weird Wizard has been unleashed on the world. Go and check it out!
  3. Coming this time next week, we have the last adventure (11) in the Thought & Memory Saga, completing the campaign. We'll be updating all the files in the saga with some tweaks and fixes!
  4. I have now used my daily allowance of !

Now, I recently put a little effort into the Vikingverse YouTube channel, which elicited at least one very nice comment. See below for the excerpt, but it got me to thinking, perhaps I should be concocting actual plays. If anyone has any suggestions (or marketing expertise...), do let me know! Usual email address [email protected] 

I recently picked up all the WTWC materials, and have been reading through the core book....I haven't even yet reached the Paths yet because I've actually gone from front onwards instead of skipping ahead, because the book itself is: A) filled with solid direction of theme and inspiring ideas! Going from the start to the species has to many allusions to the setting, while giving some idea of what those details are, that it makes me eager to learn more and keep reading, while also feeling like I could cobble it together with the sparse details of Dokkalafar and Joffur and Father of the Jarnvidjur already presented. B) just so darn easy to read. Easy on the eyes, small and divided text blocks, concise and to the point. Great font, and honestly does a good job of teaching the premise of TTRPGs. I'm a longtime SotDL enthusiast and I like how the Species/Origins elevate Ancestries that little bit more in design, especially in making the tables feel less logistical and instill the flavor of the Origins (like Wanes ages progressing from a Budding child to Blooming young person to Withered ancient). Thus far, if SotDL is "Warhammer + D&D + Horror" than I'd describe WTWC as "Warhammer 40K + Vikings + Cyberpunk". I'm very enthused. Yet can't find a single actual play video or even hardly a review! This world deserves to be played!

Mother's Night
about 1 year ago – Mon, Feb 12, 2024 at 11:22:15 AM


Today in honour of the Jorvik Viking Festival, not to mention the Year of the Dragon, we have uploaded the latest adventure to Drive Thru RPG. Click the image below to see more.

I've been wanting to write a truly mythological adventure for some time, and this one crashes you into the heart of King Beowulf's Geatland. With a little tinkering, it will work well as a one-shot. Just be careful not to unravel one of the jewels of world literature.

Mōdraniht is technically an Anglo-Saxon event, although scholars like Simekhave speculated about the links between the dísir, the norns and the whole Germanic Yule tradition. Think of it as "The Night before Christmas", Vikingverse style.

In other news, surveys are locked, cards have been charged, and we just have to wait for cargo ships to arrive before we can get those physical books out to you. As soon as I know, you will too!